



The best search and discovery platform for your business

Algolia is a US startup company offering a web search product through a SaaS model. We strive to make every search interaction meaningful & rewarding with developer-friendly, enterprise-grade APIs.



Start with our free plan to build your first Search & Discovery solution




Develop your search foundation with simple, usage based pricing


1k requests
  • Keyword Search
  • 10K requests/mo 100K records
  • $0.40/1,000 records/mo
  • Primary Hosting Location Availability
  • Pre-built UI Libraries
  • Search Analytics
  • Events Analytics
  • 30 Days Analytics Retention
  • 10,000/index Synonyms
  • 1 Number of Applications
  • 50 Maximum Indices per Application
  • 100 GB Index Size Limit
  • 100 GB Maximum Application Size
  • Avg 10KB/Record max 100KB Size
  • Integration with Salesforce CC B2C, Shopify, Adobe Commerce, commercetools
  • Integration with Segment, GTM
  • Documentation & Community forum
  • API Status updates
  • Email and website support
  • Algolia Academy
  • Live Webinars Resource Guidance


Develop your search foundation with simple, usage based pricing


Unlock end-to-end AI for next level Search & Discovery